Maximise Your Search
Enter key words to help minimize the number of jobs that are retrieved from the database. To help minimize the relevant jobs to those specifically to your skills try using words such as:
credit analyst
Try entering some of your unique skills, languages, education level or any other term that you feel would apply specifically to your talents to help retrieve more personal results.
Fine Tune - Use + before each word you want to match; use - before each word you want to exclude (e.g. +executive -assistant).
Phrases - You can enter exact phrases by putting double quotes around the phrase. To search for a reference to the words "credit analyst" you should enter "Credit Analyst".
Case Sensitivity - The 'keyword' field is case insensitive. Entering "Hedge Fund Accountant" will return the same results as "hedge fund accountant"
Simple Search
Enter a key word in the "Job Title" field, and the search will return all matching positions with your keyword appearing in the Job Title. Your search will be further refined by choosing the options in the in the dropdown menus for sector (within financial services), and location.
Advanced Search
Enter a word in the "Keyword" field, and the search will return all matching jobs with your keyword appearing anywhere in the job notices in (including the job title, and the body of the advertisement). Your search can be further refined by sorting within your results, or by refining your keyword search further by choosing the options in the dropdown menus above.